Nhám xếp đĩa cùng sợi thủy tinh mặt phẳng 178 mm (Flap disc (ZA) glass fibre pad flat 178 mm ⌀). Code: 3.10.920.0005 | www.thietbinhapkhau.com | Công ty PQ "Sẵn sàng cho bạn"


Mô tả


Roughing grinding discs with cloth flaps coating with Zirconium Aluminium Oxide (ZA) or ceramic grit on backing pads of steel, plastic or glass fibre. Circumferential speed ideally 50-60 m/s, max. 80 m/s. Gentle, cool grinding with high self-sharpening effect (no clogging); low vibration and low force working, low noise level.
  • Flat shape − for surface grinding − and weld dressing with approach angles 0 -15°.

Flap disc with glass fibre pad and mixed fabric with high metal removal rate and long service life.


Universal for all steels, preferably for use on flat surfaces.




Technical Data

optimised for material
INOX  -  Steel
Grinding medium code
Product name attribute
178 mm ⌀
Iron, sulphur and chlorine constituents
< 0.1 %
maximum circumferential speed
80 m/s




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