Bộ Kìm Circlip có độ chính xác cao (Precision Circlip pliers set internal).Code: 3.40.400.1106 | Www.Thietbinhapkhau.Com | Công Ty PQ "Sẵn Sàng Cho Bạn"


Mô tả


Popular tool sets in two-colour high-resistance foam insert. The closed-pore foam is oil-resistant and does not absorb liquids of any sort. Upper layer anthracite, under which the contrast colour of blue indicates if any tool is missing. The rigid foam inlays fill 1/3 (176×383×30 mm) or 2/3 (352× 383×30 mm) of the usable drawer area.

Suitable for:

Drawers of the workbench range Kompakt, Kompakt-L, Kompakt-H, Kombi (600 mm unit series) and HOLEX drawers - usable area 490×520 mm. The rigid foam inlay fill 1/3 (160×520×30 mm), 2/3 (321×520×30 mm) or 3/3 (482×520×30 mm) of the usable area of the drawer.

Technical Data

Degree of fill of a drawer
suitable for workstations and storage equipment
Rigid foam quality LD45, thickness
30 mm

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