Bộ lắp rắp hệ thống nhanh chóng 50.8 mm (Quick-change system kit 50.8 mm ⌀).Code: 3.40.400.1150 | Www.Thietbinhapkhau.Com | Công Ty PQ "Sẵn Sàng Cho Bạn"


Mô tả


The Roloc™ quick-change system permits safe abrasive tool changing with “just one twist” by hand in the shortest time.
3M Roloc™ quick-change system kit for multi-stage grinding processes with optimally matched operations.


For efficient abrasion of small areas, even with changing contours. Reduced tool changing times save costs on multi-stage operations.

Technical Data

suitable for quick-change system
Product name attribute
50.8 mm ⌀
Disc ⌀
50,8 mm

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